中国是世界上最古老的国家之一,中国语言博大精深,文化源远流长。滔沙中文学校是由一群热心的家长们于一九七八年成立的,它的宗旨是传承和弘扬中国语言和文化, 为当地华人的下一代提供学习中文的机会和接触中国文化的环境。同时,滔沙中文学校提倡文化多样性,重视多元化种族的学生群体。滔沙中文学校的学生不只是来自华人家庭,也有来自于有兴趣学习中文的非华人家庭。学生的年龄从四到十八岁,覆盖幼儿园到高中生的水平。滔沙中文学校是非营利组织,在过去的四十年里,学校的运作完全依赖于家长和义工,他们提供的后勤支援确保了学校顺利运作。在学校和家长的共同努力下,滔沙中文学校已成为奥克拉何马州滔沙市最大的中文学校之一。
Tulsa Chinese School (TCS) was established in 1978 by a group of enthusiastic parents. They understood the value of learning Chinese language and culture which has been recognized as one of the richest and oldest in the world. The mission of TCS is to preserve and to pass on the beauty of the language and the heritage of the culture to the second generation, and generations to come, of those local American Born Chinese. Meanwhile, TCS acknowledges that cultural diversity strengthens mutual understanding and growth, and values the diverse students body from all ethnicity. TCS has served not only Chinese families but also non-Chinese families whose children have an interest in learning the language and culture. The ages of the students range from four to eighteen and classes range from kindergarten to high school levels. TCS is a non-profit organization. For the past 4 decades, TCS has been entirely relied on parents and volunteers and their logistic support ensures the smooth operation of the school. With the combined effort from parents and the school, TCS has become one of the largest Chinese school in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
"My both children have been attending Tulsa Chinese School for 5 years now. They are a well managed school with a great central location in Tulsa. Small class sizes, great teachers make it a great way to keep improving their Chinese. I found the support staff and the teachers very professional, dedicated and going above and beyond in assisting the students. The classes were small, fun and very helpful."
"Great school with amazing teachers! My son has only been here for 2 years and he loves this school so much! The people working here are the most friendly people you can find so you never feel alone. If you have any questions or wanna change anything, there will always be people there to help."