第一款: 名称
滔沙中文学校在1430 S. 131st E. Ave, Tulsa, OK 74108.
滔沙中文学校为慈善性,宗教性,教育性和科学性目的而办。因此根据IRS 税务条 款第501(C)(3)条,学校享受税务优惠。滔沙中文学校对(但不限于)有华人
2。来自同一家庭的人员不得在董事会和学校行政委员会这一总体中拥有一个以上的 职位。
5。参加家长议会的成员选举产生董事会。不论一家有几个中文学校的学生,每个成 员家庭只拥有一票。
8。除非另有说明,董事会通过简单多数作决定,即五位董事中至少要有三位董事同 意才可作出决定
9。如果五位董事中的任何一位不能继续任职(如因搬家,辞职或死亡等),余下的 董事们应以简单多数的方法在60天内指定一位替补董事。该替补董事的任期在被替 补的原董事任期满时结束。
10。如果所有成员家庭的三分之一以上对董事会表示不满并签署动议要求重选董事 会,董事会应在30内召开家长议会。如果多于50%的所有成员家庭表决同意解散董 事会,董事会即被解散,新的董事会就通过重选而产生。新的董事会有上面第4点所 提的特殊任期。
11。董事会的权力包括,但不限于,1)任命和更换学校行政委员会人员;2)审议, 否决或同意学校财政预算;3)解决学校内部纷争;4)审议组织章程并起草修改建 议;5)计划学校今后发展的方向。
15。如果多于50%的参加家长议会的成员家庭同意,组织章程或其修改建议即获家 长议会通过。组织章程的修改建议应在家长议会前先送给成员审阅。
A. 校长,负责聘请教师,制定教学计划,作为学校行政委员会主席, 领导学校日常运作。
B. 财务,在特别事务的协助下负责总体财务工作。
C. 秘书,负责文件记录和沟通。
D. 总务,负责除教学和财务以外的学校工作。
E. 特别事务,负责收学费和其它特别事项。
每个职位的具体分工和责任细节应在每个学期开始时的学校行政委员会会议 上决定。
19。学校行政委员会人员的报酬由董事会决定。教师的报酬由校长在学校财政预算 中提出建议。
1。像其它大多数学校一样,滔沙中文学校每学年分为两个学期。每学期上学15-18 天。学期期间每星期天下午1:30 - 3:40 上课。
D。 学校年刊。
F。 达福地区美中华人青少年夏令营。
Articles of Incorporation
By Law of Oklahoma
Tulsa Chinese School, Inc.
Amended April 15, 2009
The Tulsa Chinese School in Tulsa, Oklahoma, is a non-profit organization.
Article I: Name
The name of the organization shall be Tulsa Chinese School (TCS).
Article II: Location
Tulsa Chinese School address is 1430 S. 131st E. Ave., Tulsa, Oklahoma 74108.
Article III: Purpose
Tulsa Chinese School is organized exclusively for charitable, religious, educational, and scientific purposes so that it qualifies as an exempt organization under section 501 (C) (3) of Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code. Tulsa Chinese School is to provide an Educational and Culture Service for children including, but not limited to, families with Chinese heritage. Education emphasis is placed upon the development of fluency in Chinese listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Students are also encouraged to study Chinese culture through the learning of history, tradition, and art. Tulsa Chinese School is not for profit, but formed by Chinese parents as volunteer to keep Chinese culture for generation to come.
Article IV: Ownership and Members
TCS is owned collectively by all the Members. The Members are defined as the parents of TCS students. The Parents Congress is a meeting or gathering of Members regarding fundamental and important issues including, but not limited to, election of Board Directors, approval of bylaws amendment proposal. Only Board of Directors can call for a Parents Congress session to be held. Before a session of Parents Congress is held, the Board shall make reasonable efforts to inform every Member family.
The Parents Congress has the final authority in TCS governance. The structure of the TCS shall be such that a check and balance is present in its governance.
Board of Directors is defined as elected representatives of the Members. Directors do not have to be Members to qualify. School Executive Committee is defined as the staff members appointed by the Board to manage the daily operations of the TCS.
Article V: Governance Rules
1. Board of Directors (the “Board”) shall be exclusive from the School Executive Committee. Any person serving in the Board shall not serve in the School Executive Committee, and vice versa.
2. No more than one position within the combined pool of Board and School Executive Committee shall be held by persons from the same family.
3. In principle the Board shall minimize the direct involvement in the daily operation of the school.
4. Board shall have 5 Directors. The first elected Board shall have a special term arrangement: 2 Directors who won highest votes shall have a 3-year term, 2 Directors who won next highest votes shall have a 2-year term, and 1 Director who won the least votes shall have a 1-year term. This special term arrangement is to assure that only 1 or 2 positions are subject to election each year. Any subsequently elected Director shall have a 3-year term. When any Director’s term expires, an election shall be conducted in the Parents Congress for the expired position or positions only.
5. The Board shall be elected by Members who attend the Parents Congress session. Each family can only have one vote, regardless how many TCS students the family has.
6. There are no limits on the number of terms a person can serve in the Board.
7. Directors shall be volunteers without pay. Directors shall not directly or indirectly benefit materially from the rules set out in the bylaws.
8. Unless otherwise specified, the Board makes decision by the simple majority rule, which means at least 3 of the 5 Directors have to agree before a decision can be made.
9. If any of the 5 Directors can no longer serve in the Board before his/her term expires (due to moving, resignation, death etc), a substitute Director shall be appointed by the remaining Directors by using the simple majority rule within 60 days. The substitute Director shall serve until that position’s term expires.
10. If more than 1/3 of all Member families express disapproval of the Board by signing a petition to hold a re-election of the Board, a Parents Congress session shall be called for by the Board within 30 days. If more than 50% of all Member families vote to dissolve the Board, the Board shall be dissolved and a new election shall be held to form a new Board. The newly formed Board shall have the special term arrangement as mentioned in Item 4.
11. Board of Directors’ authority includes, but is not limited to: 1) appointing and changing the School Executive Committee; 2) reviewing, rejecting or approving School's operating budget; 3) resolving any conflict within TCS; 4) reviewing bylaws and drafting amendment proposals; and 5) setting and planning the direction of future TCS expansion.
12. Chairperson of the Board shall be elected by the Board using simple majority rule. Chairperson shall coordinate Board activities.
13. The Board shall hold meetings at least once every semester.
14. Board Self-Cleansing Rule. A Director who neglects his/her duties shall be removed from the Board if the other four Directors reach a consensus. A substitute Director shall be appointed by the remaining Directors by using the
simple majority rule. The substitute Director shall serve until that position’s term expires. If the removal is contested by the affected Director, the Board shall determine whether it is necessary to call for a Parents Congress session
15. Bylaws or amendment of bylaws shall be passed in the Parents Congress if more than 50% of the Member families that attend the Parents Congress session vote to approve. The bylaws amendment proposal shall be sent to Members for review before the Parents Congress session is held.
16. The School Executive Committee shall have the following posts:
a. Principal, responsible for hiring teachers, setting curriculum and serving as committee chairperson to lead school operation and activities.
b. Treasurer, responsible for general school financial affairs with assistance from Special Affairs;
c. Secretary, responsible for documentation and communication;
d. General Affairs, responsible for school affairs other than educational and financial affairs.
e. Special Affairs, responsible for collecting revenues and other special assignments.
The detail responsibilities of each post and work division shall be established by the School Committee meeting at the beginning of its term.
17. School Executive Committee shall make decision by the simple majority rule. Each post in the School Executive Committee shall have equal voting power.
18. Each position of the School Executive Committee shall be subject to annual review by the Board, and may be renewed based on performance. A person may serve multiple terms in the School Executive Committee.
19. Compensation of the School Executives shall be determined by the Board. Compensation of the teachers shall be proposed by the Principal in the school budget.
20. In principle the School Executive Committee shall collectively supervise all revenues and expenses incurred.
21. The accounting of TCS shall be transparent to all Directors of the Board and all School Executives.
22. The power of Bylaw interpretation resides in the Board.
23. Any suggestion or comment regarding TCS shall be directed toward either the School Executive Committee or the Board.
Article VI: School Schedule
A. Every school year is divided into two semesters like main stream schools in Tulsa area. Each semester has 15 to 18 school days. Students will meet in class every Sunday from 1:30pm to 3:40pm during school days.
B. Extracurricular Activities may include, but are not limited to:
a. Art class: School will provide art classes for students and parents in Chinese painting, calligraphy, Chinese encirclement chess, Chinese knots.
b. Performances in Chinese New Year’s Festival including Folk dance, folk songs, traditional Chinese costume show, etc.
c. Chinese speech contest, Chinese composition contest.
d. School year book.
e. Special event for Mother’s Day with prizes, performances for parents.
f. Midwest Chinese Youth Summer Camp in Dallas-Fort Worth area.
Article VII: Nondiscriminatory Policy
The Tulsa Chinese School admits students of any race, color, national origin, and ethnic origin to all the right, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admission policies, scholarship, and load programs, and athletic and other school-administered program.
Article VIII: Dissolution
The Tulsa Chinese School will operate as long as Chinese family in Tulsa area, in the future for any reason to dissolve TCS and any remaining assets will donate to Tulsa Chinese Christian Church.