Dear parents and students,
The health of our students, teachers, and our TCS community is our top priority. In light of the rapid increase of Covid-19 cases, we will temporarily postpone going back to classroom and continue online classes this Sunday 1/9/2022. It is still our goal to go back to classroom sometime this semester. We will closely monitor the pandemic situation and return to classroom when we feel the risk is more manageable.
The pandemic is a challenge, but every challenge is an opportunity. Hope you can all find this experience valuable in the future. We are very hopeful that we have seen the light at the end of the tunnel and normal life is just around the corner.
Classes will start on 1/9/2022 this semester.
We will return to in-person learning this semester. Ms. Peng’s class will continue distance learning due to her recent relocation.
For in-person learning, we ask everyone wear a mask when in presence of other people, temperature will be measured when entering the building.
If your student is sick, please stay home.
注册费: $25/Family
家长执勤: 请点击链接阅读执勤表并填写执勤日期:
如不执勤,请交执勤费 $25/Family
Parents Duty: Please read the To-do list and sign up for parents’ duty by clicking the following link:
If you chose not to do parents duty, please pay $25/Family
缴费方式 (请注明学生姓名):
Zelle: few677@utulsa.edu
Paypal: http://paypal.me/tulsachineseschool (please choose Sending to a friend)
To register, please use the following link:
Email: kaipingburrows@gmail.com
Phone: 918-822-3482
WeChat: LuSheng915
If you have any questions, please contact Kai Ping at If you have any questions, please contact Kai Ping at
Email: kaipingburrows@gmail.com
Phone: 918-822-3482
WeChat: LuSheng915
滔沙中文学校秋季开始接受报名 二零二零年八月九日
TCS Accepts Enrollment for The Fall Semester Aug. 9, 2020
邮箱: tulsachineseschool@gmail.com
Tulsa Chinese School (TCS) is accepting enrollment for the Fall semester. The school will start on August 23, 2020, virtually. Students' health and safety are TCS's first priority. This is why we are going online this semester, in light of the pandemic. Details will be provided once you have signed up. We are committed to provide our students with the highest quality of education possible, regardless of the circumstances.
TCS is offering Chinese classes for students four years old and above. We are also offering Math classes for students five graders and above.
To register, please click the link here:
Email us to tulsachineseschool@gmail.com if you have any questions.
TCS Students Scored High on The National AP Chinese Exam 二零二零年八月九日
跟大家分享一个好消息:今年滔沙中文学校有六位学生参加了全国AP Chinese 考试,全部通过,并有四名学生获得五分的好成绩!祝贺孩子们取得优异的成绩!也感谢老师的辛勤付出和家长的长期支持!
We hope this finds you well in the midst of the current COVID-19 pandemic.
We would like to share a recent, very exciting development with you. Six students from Tulsa Chinese School (TCS) took the national AP Chinese exam just before the summer and they all passed. Four of them scored a PERFECT score of 5. TCS congratulates the outstanding achievement of these students. TCS appreciates the dedication and efforts of our teachers very much. Our gratitude also extends to the parents and families. We realize that our students and TCS wouldn't be where we are today without continued support from our families.
Letters From CLTA K-12 Working Group: Congratulation to Our Student's Achievement 二零二零年五月二十日
"Dear Ms. Yu,
Congratulations! Your student Nick Du's work, 我最喜欢的礼物, was chosen for inclusion in the first annual edition of the CLTA K-12 Working Group's new publication, Selection of American K-12 Outstanding Works. We were so impressed with the variety, creativity and quality of submissions across proficiency levels and from across the country; our judges certainly had their work cut out for them in choosing the final pieces to include in the publication.
On behalf of the CLTA K-12 Working Group, we would like to thank you for your support of your students' language learning, as well as your contribution to the promotion of Chinese language and culture education in K-12 schools across the United States. Please also extend our thanks and congratulations to your student! You can find a certificate attached to this email for you to pass on to your student in recognition of this achievement.
Before the final publication can be sent out, we do need you to help us with one small logistical detail. Please respond to this email and confirm your principal's email address, as we would like to send a notification of this outstanding achievement to your school's principal.
Congratulations again!
Cilei Han & Mairead Harris
CLTA K-12 Working Group"
捐赠感谢信 二零二零年五月一日
武汉捐款倡议书 二零二零年二月二十三日
Wuhan Donation Campaign Feb. 23, 2020
欢迎渴望奉献爱心的朋友们在我们的捐款平台上捐款。Tulsa的华人捐款,请在支票或备注栏注明“TUL” ,https://www.stlcls.org/school/page/donation
Dear Friends,
In collaboration with St. Louis Chinese Language School, Chinese American Association of Tulsa and Tulsa Chinese School initiated a donation campaign to help people in Wuhan to fight Coronavirus epidemic.
Medical equipment and supplies are badly needed in Wuhan and other places in China. Therefore, here we call on everyone to mobilize and strive to donate. Our goal is to get the needed equipment and supplies directly to the hands of the medical staff at the forefront! We will keep the process transparent and make the fund raising and spending public.
No amount is too small! People in Wuhan need help, medical workers on frontline need help, and we can help!
St. Louis Chinese Language School already took a lead in this effort. So far, more than hundreds of people have donated and over 10,000 US dollars have been raised. The highest personal donations reached $1,000. After careful consideration and thorough research, they successfully purchased the first ventilator and donated it to Wuhan Iron and Steel General Hospital (appointed by Wuhan Municipal Health and Medical Commission for severely affected patients). The ventilator has arrived in the hospital.
As the donation enters the second stage, we are fortunate to be part of the effort. We are also looking forward to your organizations joining us as our partners. Let’s unite to double our capability and strength to make our donation campaign more efficient and successful!
Support Wuhan, help the world, and fight Coronavirus!
Please donate through the following link and mark your donation with “TUL”, https://www.stlcls.org/school/page/donation
We are a not-for-profit organization and we can provide tax deduction receipts, if needed.